
Healthcare Industry FactSheet

Cost containment is always a major concern for healthcare organisations, especially as it pertains to back-end operations. This is because savings on the back-end translates to more funds available to dedicate to patient care. 

Basware’s suite of purchase-to-pay (P2P) solutions for the healthcare industry automates the entire procure-to-pay process by delivering process efficiencies and cost savings. Read our fact sheet to learn more about key benefits of Basware’s solutions, including:

  • Getting a complete picture of spend and cash flow across the business

  • Empowering employees to make smarter spending decisions

  • Eliminating maverick spending and prevent budget overages

  • Increasing compliance with internal purchasing policies

  • Connecting with all suppliers and reduce paper invoices

  • Reducing approval workflow bottlenecks

  • Decreasing cycle times in the purchase-to-pay process